Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Impressions of Camp Funston

There is a common theme here at Camp Funston, Ft. Riley. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what that "theme" is.

Every brief we attend, they tell us how the training is first class, the chow is the "best in the Army" and that no expense has been spared in making sure the MiTTs are trained and ready to deploy. 1st Brigade has been training MiTTs for the past 3 years, they continously update their knowledge by going down range twice a year. They are experienced, seasoned, and everything has been carefully planned to make sure the MiTT training is up to date and reflects the latest tactics, techniques and procedures from the field.

Listening to the briefings you expect to see everything organized and prepared in a professional manner. I can only scratch head and wonder. Everything appears to be arranged at the last minute. Now, this might be because we are preparing for a leader's recon, and certain things must be done before we can go downrange. So, they are just trying to check the block and get things done as quickly as possible. There is no "schedule" and when one is made, it is quickly outdated and must be changed.

One example of "scheduling" is that the MiTT Chiefs scheduled to go on the Leader's Recon were supposed to arrive NLT 12 June. Well 12 June was the beginning of a 4-day holiday for Ft. Riley (the Army's Birthday). So, if a MiTT Chief arrived on 12 June, there was nothing for him to do until 16 June. Yet, everyone had to be SRP'd, equipment issued and qualified at the range by 18 June.

Another thing totally perplexed me. And that dealt with the computer support provided to the MiTT teams. For example, according to FM 3-07.1, 50% of an advisor's training should consist of culture and language training. However, none of the computers they provide us allow the user to use the Rosetta Stone language programs from the Army's e-learning website. To use those programs, soldiers must bring (or buy) their own computer and pay $40 per month for wireless internet service. It doesn't appear to me, that the Army is putting the priority in the right spot, if soldiers have to pay money out of their own pocket to get the training they require !!!

Again, this is just my first impression of Camp Funston. We haven't begun the official training yet. That will begin on 7 July. Up to now, it's been in processing or getting the Pre-Deployment Site Survey Teams ready to go downrange to conduct their Leader's Recon.

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