Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Team Griffin - Welcome to Ft. Riley !!!

(10 June 2009) My orders stated a report date of "no earlier than" 10 June and "no later than 12 June. Quite a narrow window, but necessary. Necessary, because with all the Military Transition Teams (MiTTs) going through Ft. Riley for training, living space is at a premium.

My original plan was to fly in over the weekend, stay in the Kansas City area for a couple of days and have my son come pick me up on 10 June and drive me to Ft. Riley so I can report in. However, my son, Steven, had driver's training during the week of 8-12 June, so he needed to come pick me up on Sunday (7 June) instead.

So, I left Stuttgart, Germany (in quite a hurry and leaving quite a mess behind me), on Saturday, 6 June. I flew through Atlanta to the Kansas City airport, arriving at 8 pm. I spent the night at the Kansas City Airport, Marriot hotel. Steven picked me up the following morning and drove me to Ft. Riley.

When I arrived at Ft. Riley, I had my son take me to the "Welcome Center" to see if I could report earlier than 10 June as my orders stated. I was told yes, and made reservations at the Distinguished Visitors Center and spent the night at Ft. Riley's DVQs (Distinguished Visitor's Quarters). So far, so good.

It wasn't until Monday, when I was brought to Camp Funston, did the reality of being a MiTT member hit me. I was given a bunk and wall locker in a 40-man open bay barracks and was told here is where I would spend the next 3 months of training at Ft. Riley. So here I am, with no vehicle stuck in the middle of no where of Ft. Riley to conduct my training. The main post area is about 3-5 miles from Camp Funston. Without a vehicle, you're in a very secluded spot.

Somehow, I thought being an O-6 with 20 years of military service, I wouldn't be treated like a fresh recruit that hasn't made it through Basic Training yet. I was only partially right. I didn't have any drill sergeant yelling at me, calling me a scuzzball or the like. But the rest of it... was very much the same.

Welcome to Ft. Riley - Camp Funston !!!

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