Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week 3 in Pictures

Below are some pictures and a video highlights of Team Griffin's Week 3 - MiTT training.
A more descriptive detail of what happened during week 3 is written in yesterday's previous blog entry.

Thursday, 23 Jul 09: Team Griffin getting ready for Driver's Training
(Pictured from left to right: CPT Frederick, CPT Robles, CPT (P) Mai and MAJ Staats).

The "Roll-over Drill Trainer". The purpose of this trainer is to familiarize the soldiers with the roll-over procedures of a HWWMV. The trainer will first put you at a 22 degree angle on the driver's and passenger side. An up-armored HWWMV will rollover once it hits a 22 degree angle.

The trainer will then conduct a full 360 degree roll, followed by a 180 degree roll. The trainer will stop up-side down. Personnel in the trainer will need to unlock their release the door lock, unlock their seat belt and exit the vehicle.

Saturday, 25 Jul 09, Team Griffin spent the morning conducting Primary Marksmanship Instruction. Above is MAJ Hardy, demonstrating how a real shot group should look like.

Above is SSG Welles, demonstrating how a good prone supported foxhole position.

And finally, after 2 hours of instruction, Team Griffin prepares for the M9, Pistol familiarization training.

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